ORGANIC MARKETING SECRETS (Build Authority And Elicit Healthy Envy…)

Entrepreneurship Marketing Success
Organic Marketing

Let’s talk about organic marketing. More specifically the psychological mechanism that makes organic marketing work, if you’re a coach, consultant or expert. A lot of people are doing organic marketing on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and all sorts of platforms. What I mean with organic marketing is publishing content on social media and leading conversations with people via the DM’s or Messenger. So, everything I’ll talk about in this blogpost applies to those two scenarios. The purpose of your organic marketing is to achieve two things:

  1. To build authority
  2. To elicit healthy envy

You have to identify your ideal client

So let’s talk about building authority first. The way you build authority is by teaching people something about themselves that is valuable to them. And if you’re a coach, consultant or expert, that means that you have to identify who’s your ideal client. Once you know that, you want to create content that speaks directly to that ideal client. The mistake a lot of people make is that they give away too much detailed information in their content. And often times it overwhelms and confuses your ideal client. Instead you want to keep your content on a high level. Share insights into the problems people have. Explain why people are experiencing those problems. And share your insights into the solution and the process that’s necessary to overcome that problem or achieve the outcome that people want to achieve.  Explain the process, the high level steps, the mistakes people are making, misconceptions in your industry. Talk about common enemies. Share results and case studies and you talk about why your process is better than what other people do.

The content of your organic marketing shouldn’t be too detailed

Your organic marketing should be high level, your content shouldn’t be too detailed. Keep that stuff for your actual paid programs, courses and things like that. Because you aren’t really helping people if you’re giving away very detailed information for free. Without the right environment, the accountability and the right expert guidance, people will not be able to use this information. Information is only as valuable as the context in which the information is given. So, if you give really good information in the wrong context it’s actually not going to help people. If you give the same information in the form of mentorship or in combination with support where people can get help. And you do everything with them step by step, then it’s very valuable. So, keep in mind you’re not helping people if you’re giving away too much detailed information in your organic content.

By building authority you get people to trust you in a short period of time

When you publish content like this it’s going to build authority. Because people will start looking up to you as the go-to expert and the go-to authority for the specific problem that they’re looking to solve or for the specific outcome that they’re looking to achieve. And this is very powerful because it allows you to take people who don’t know you, strangers, and get them to know they can trust you in a short period of time.

So, in the beginning, when someone enters your audience they might think who’s this person trying to teach me stuff, but as you publish great content and educate your ideal clients about their problem and the solution, your authority will grow. Because you’re speaking directly to the problems and solutions that that person needs. And just by teaching you will build massive authority.

Elicit healthy envy and help people achieve what they want

The second thing you have to do is, elicit healthy envy. Now, envy has a negative connotation for most people, I’m not talking about negative destructive envy here, I’m talking about healthy envy. There’s desire and then there’s envy. And a lot of people make the mistake of trying to create desire in someone. Smart marketers take the desire people already have and then speak to that existing desire. It’s much easier and it works a lot better and you don’t want to take someone that doesn’t want something and get them to change their mind. It doesn’t work very well. You want to take someone who already wants something who has a desire and then you want to help that person achieve what they want.

Take people’s existing desire and then elicit healthy envy

So, instead of trying to elicit desire in people, what you want to do with your organic content is you want to take people’s existing desire and then elicit healthy envy. So, what is healthy envy? Healthy envy, unlike desire, is when you show someone that you already have what that person wants, then this elicits healthy envy in that other person because they fill the gap between where they want to be and where they are. If you just try to elicit desire there’s no gap, people can’t really see the difference, they don’t know what they’re missing out on. They don’t know that other people have achieved what they want to achieve.

When you display proof in your organic content, it becomes more achievable for the other person

But when you display proof in your organic content, when you talk about your own results, when you display through your content that you already have what the other person wants, that your clients already have what the other person wants, it becomes more achievable for the other person. Because the other person sees that maybe he can also have this thing that he wants to have. All these other people have achieved it. That person in my network has what I want to have and this will make them feel the gap. And the more your organic content incorporates proof elements, talking about results, sharing the actual outcome that you’ve already achieved, the more you can elicit healthy envy and this is going to inspire the people around you to take action and to step it up.

It’s about inspiring people to step into the highest version of themselves

So, it’s not about destructive envy, where you want to make people feel bad and pitiful or something like that, it’s about inspiring people to step into the highest version of themselves. And a little bit of envy is good to achieve that. We all need a bit of healthy envy. We all need to see what other people around us have achieved and we need to feel that we want that as well and that’s a positive thing.

Publish great content that speaks to your ideal clients’ pains, frustrations and desires

A lot of people post great content, but they don’t elicit enough healthy envy. So, if you want to take your organic marketing to the next level, publish great content that speaks to your ideal clients’ pains, frustrations and desires on a high level and educates them about the process, the solution and all of that and then combine that with content that elicits healthy envy, displaying the lifestyle that people want to have or the result that people could achieve. It all comes down to proof elements. Showing and not just talking about it. When you combine building authority and eliciting healthy envy you have the perfect cocktail and people will be highly interested in what you have to offer and I promise you it’s going to take your coaching, consulting and expert business to another level.

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  • Sea

    Great post. I love your idea about “inspiring people to step into the highest version of themselves.” That’s so humanities

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