How To Book More Calls Organically For Your High Ticket Coaching Program

Entrepreneurship Marketing Mindset Success
Book More Calls

Let’s talk about a simple trick or a simple strategy to book more calls if you’re selling a high-ticket offer.  If you’re selling a high-ticket coaching program between 2K and 20K, it could be a coaching program, it could be a done for you offer, could be group coaching, could be 1 on 1 consulting, whatever the case may be… Probably you are getting some sales organically. If not you’re leaving a ton of money on the table, because organic marketing is huge when it comes to high-ticket offers. A lot of people want to jump straight away into paid ads and they don’t realize the power of organic marketing.

You always want to start a conversation with people

What I want to talk about specifically is one of the main reasons why people aren’t booking enough calls. And it simply comes down to not inviting enough people. So, let’s say you use Facebook and you have people in your friends list who are potential clients and they engage with your posts on Facebook. Now, you always want to start a conversation with people. Not cold pitching them your offer directly. Literally listening to them, genuinely caring and just starting a friendly conversation. And seeing if you can provide some value and trying to understand the other person. Don’t try to sell something right away, just because you want to connect with as many people as possible online.

The key is: speaking with the market place more than anyone else

The key to sell high ticket offers organically is just speaking with the market place more than anyone else. What that means is, literally anyone that engages with your posts, speak with them. Your inbox should always be full of conversations. Some of them will be ideal clients, some of them will not. But you always want to have a ton of conversations going on because conversions happen in conversations. The bottom line is, you want to have lots of conversations open and you also want to invite more people.

Invite people to a quick chat

One bottleneck that I’ve seen some of my clients experience, is, although they have a lot of conversations, they are just not inviting enough people to a call. Because they experience a bit of resistance. So, what you want to do, if you have a conversation going on, invite people to a “quick chat” and get people on your calendar. Not even a sales call necessarily, just a connection call or a 15 min chat to see if you can even help them. The reason why some people aren’t booking enough calls is not because they’re not having enough conversations or enough ideal clients on their profile, it’s simply because they’re not proactive enough when it comes to inviting people. If you want to have more calls, invite more people.

So, you can ask yourself: “How many people did I invite to a call in the last 30 days?”. If the answer is 0, well that’s going to be the reason why you don’t have any calls with potential clients. Although not everyone is going to accept your invitation to a call, if you want to increase the number of calls you have, one simple way of doing that is to simply invite more people to calls. Even if you feel a little bit uncomfortable, even if maybe you have some internal resistance to do that, just push a bit harder.

Set a goal to invite one person a day to a call

Set a goal to invite maybe one person a day to a call and see how that goes. I promise you if you amp up the invitations you send out via Messenger, if you amp up the amount of people you invite to a call, you will automatically get more calls. The more conversations you start, the more opportunities you have to invite someone to a call, the more people you invite, the more calls you will have and the more calls you will have the more clients you will get.

You always need to have a ton of conversations going on

If you increase the volume at the starting point, you will increase the volume at the end point. So, if you’re having low volume at the end point, you need to increase the through-put for each step of the process. You need to get more calls if you want more clients. What does that mean? Well if you want to get more calls you need to invite more people to calls, if you’re doing organic marketing. And if you want to invite more people to calls, you need to start more conversations, you need to have a ton of conversations going on.

The solutions to our problems are simpler than we think

Sometimes the solutions to our problems are simpler than we think. But because we have some resistance or some doubt or some fear, we don’t actually do the thing that’s simple. And we start over-analyzing and micro-managing what’s going on, instead of just increasing the numbers and doing what’s in our favor. Do not self-sabotage your business. If you’re doing organic marketing and you’re using Facebook or LinkedIn and you’re not getting enough calls, push harder, invite more people to calls, you will get more calls and I promise you will get more clients.

Simple strategy. Not rocket science. It really just comes down to mindset. But whenever my organic marketing loses a bit of momentum, it’s usually because I’m not inviting enough people to calls. Then I amp that up a little bit, I invite more people to calls on Facebook or on LinkedIn and boom I’m getting more calls, I’m getting more clients. Simple stuff.

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