Proof Of Concept In Business – Finding Your Niche Market And Testing It

Entrepreneurship Mindset
Proof of Concept

In this blogpost, I’m going to talk about niche hopping. What it is and why you must avoid it like the pest.

Niche hopping is one of the biggest mistakes people make. Especially when they’re starting out and trying to grow their expert business.

What is niche hopping exactly?

Often, niche hopping happens with newbies. They have an idea, they want to start selling their expertise and their knowledge. Most people have a variety of different skills that they have acquired throughout their lives. Usually, people have different ideas in mind in terms of the niches that they could pursue to start their business.

Often, people decide on a niche and then they pursue that niche for a couple of weeks. Then they start to have this doubt and start to think that maybe they should pursue a different niche. People start with a niche and before they build any momentum, they radically change their niche. Some people do this repeatedly, almost in an endless loop. That’s what I call niche hopping. It’s when you constantly jump from one niche to the next niche. You never actually can gain proof of concept. That’s why niche hopping is the number one reason why so many aspired experts fail. They pursue something and self-sabotage before it even builds momentum. They hop onto the next niche, start from scratch, build a little bit of momentum and then switch again. And every time you do that, you essentially sabotage your business.

Your first goal is to gain proof of concept

Here’s what you must understand, when you’re starting an expert business, your first goal is to gain proof of concept. Which means that you have an idea in terms of what your niche and your offer is. Then you take these two ideas and you try to gain interest from the market. Try to sell a couple of coaching packages to people.

If you have 3 to 5 clients and you’re getting some interest from people, then you’ve acquired a proof of concept. You now have proof that your niche is legit and is working. Your offer is solving a big enough pain point that people are willing to put down serious money for it. Now you can go and take that business, take those 3 to 5 clients and just accelerate that business growth and go out there, double the marketing, the sales and the audience building. Just take everything to a level for it can comfortably produce about $10.000 per month for you.

Be patient, it takes a while

The problem is, it takes a while to gain proof of concept. It takes at least 12 weeks in most cases. Sometimes people can get it faster and that’s great, we always welcome that.

But often, it takes more time, especially if you’re starting out. You want to calculate about 12 weeks in total to give your idea, your niche, your offer and the market time to really get that proof of concept.

The problem with niche hopping is that you are never able to get to that point. You are never able to get enough momentum, to get those 3 to 5 clients and then have that confidence in your offer, in your niche. You self-sabotage, you jump onto another niche, a different offer and just do that over and over again. Which is a momentum killer, so this is literally one of the biggest problems. Whenever I help newbies they sometimes change their niche 3-4 times and they give up completely after a while because they are discouraged.

So, if you have an idea for an expert business that you want to start, try to narrow down your niche. Think about a micro niche that you could pursue and about what’s an awesome offer that you can sell to this people. Go out there into the market place and test this hypothesis and see if you can get 3 to 5 clients and give it at least 12 weeks in total before you jump onto another niche.

Building momentum doesn’t happen in 1 week

If you cannot get 3 to 5 clients during that time, if you cannot get any interest from the market place, then change your niche. But until then you need to be patient. You must understand that building momentum takes time, it doesn’t happen in 1 week, it doesn’t happen in 2 weeks, it happens in about 12 weeks. You got to set it out, be patient and really put in the time, the effort and the work to see if it’s going to work out.

Because otherwise, you will always be in that endless loop of niche hopping. And eventually you’re just going to burn-out and give up like so many aspiring experts who are never really in a position where they can get their business to the level they want it to be.

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