How To Build A Coaching Business — Getting Coaching Clients From Content Marketing | TBS #185


The easiest way to build a coaching business is to focus on content marketing. Once you know your niche, start posting daily videos or writing daily blog posts about that topic for at least one year.

If you can’t get people to pay attention to you for free, then you won’t be able to get people to pay attention to you for money.

You first have to master the “free” attention game.

And in a second step you can start monetizing that attention.

As always, most people are impatient and want to skip ahead. Everyone’s looking for a loophole or a way to run Facebook ads and build a six-figure or seven-figure consulting business over night.

Trust me, it’s not going to happen.

You’ll just burn through a lot of money that you spend on ads without getting any results. A much more secure and proven way is to focus on daily content marketing and SEO, and build a loyal following on social media by sharing free tips and tricks.

I can’t emphasize enough that you have to produce DAILY content.

If you can’t do that, then maybe you’re not an expert. Creating daily content will confront most people with the fact that they don’t know that much about the topic they thing they’re an expert in.

In that case, learn more, practice more and hone your craft.

And if you can create daily content about the topic you want to be a consultant on, then start producing daily content tomorrow and do it for one year straight. Make a commitment to your content and then never look back again!

Execute like your life depends on it.

Before you know what’s going on, you’ll get 1-2 people per day asking you about coaching and consulting or online courses.

Now, will most do this?


Most people reading this post will never do this.

That’s why it works 🙂

The few people who bring up the willpower to execute on this level will stand out so much in the market place, that they will get all the attention. I’m happy that most people won’t ever produce daily content, means it’s easier for me. And the few people who decide to truly step it up, I’ll see you at the top, you’ll have my respect.

I’m on episode 185 of my daily show and it’s not even been a year. And my business and income has exploded in so many ways.

It’s literally the best thing I’ve ever done for my business.

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