Product Launch Marketing — How To Launch A Summit, Documentary Or Webinar Series | TBS #052


I got a question a few days ago from Craig Wilson regarding the recent product launch. I was working for a client on a project in the health industry called “The Truth about Memory Loss”. And basically, we used a typical free summit launch model and it worked really well.

The traditional product launch model is a series of three pre-launch videos leading into an open cart period and a sales video.

However, the free summit launch model is different.

What we did is release a 5-part documentary series on Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. The documentary was very well produced, huge experts and health specialist were interviewed, and each episode was 50 minutes long.

We made one episode available every week day. So on Monday, episode one went live and was view-able for 24 hours only. Then on Tuesday, episode two went live and was online for just 24 hours and we did this for all five week days.

On the weekend we put up a replay link for all five episodes so people could watch them all for another 48 hours straight.

Under every episode there was a buy button to purchase the entire documentary for 50% off along with a bunch of free bonuses. This combination of tremendous free value and a lot of urgency and a deadline drives sales like crazy for this type of launch and that’s why we made so many sales.

The content was simply so good that a ton of people wanted to own their copy of the documentary once the free series was gone. That’s the reason this launch model works, because we were selling something that had great value.

And that’s something you should also aim for. Your product needs to be so valuable that people want to own a copy of it.

That’s it. 😉

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