How To Use — Outsourcing On Fiverr Dos And Dont’s | TBS #184


I recently got a question from one of my followers who was just about to purchase a social media shout out on

His goal is to get traffic and exposure for his store.

If you don’t know what is or how it works, let me give you a quick summary. It’s a cheap marketplace for products and services starting at $5, you can find anything on there.

From social media marketing to video editing and proof reading. is a great place to outsource low-leverage tasks such as proof reading, transcribing texts, getting a quick logo draft or a product mockup and other things of that nature. However, on you’ll almost always get mediocre or bad quality.

The reason why is because if you pay people nothing, you get poor work in return. It’s always been like that and will never change.

There’s a place for in your business, if you’re looking for quick and cheap work, mockups, drafts, sketches or stuff that doesn’t need to be of great quality. However, you never want to outsource high-leverage tasks to someone on

What do I mean with high-leverage tasks?

Search engine optimization, marketing consulting, social media marketing, strategizing, Facebook advertising, Google AdWords advertising and other stuff that requires a lot of skills.

Just because someone claims to have those skills on, doesn’t mean they actually have a lot of experience or skills.

Most people on offering these services aren’t real experts, they’re self-proclaimed “experts” that got their knowledge from reading blog posts, forums, ebooks and watching videos.

Don’t fall for it 🙂

Learn how to do these high-leverage tasks yourself and don’t outsource them. Also don’t expect any results from paying someone $5 to give you a shoutout on their social media profiles. It’s probably a super low-quality following, or maybe even bots or click farms.

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