How To Take Action — Simplify The Journey And Take One Step At A Time | TBS #249


Most people get stuck in “analysis paralysis” at some point in their business journey and some of them are never able to get past it.

Analysis paralysis is when you overthink everything.

You overanalyse the whole process to the point where you don’t know where to start or what to do. It’s one of the most common newbie phenomenons. Consuming content feels safer than taking action, which is why people study forever without taking real action.

The reason I’m able to take massive action on a daily basis is because I break things down into simple, manageable steps.

Instead of planning the entire process and trying to predict every eventuality and every possible mistake I might make, and having a perfect solution for everything, I simply start doing one thing.

I ask myself what’s the next logical step?

And then I execute that.

For example: If you’re building an e-commerce website you don’t have to know right now how you’re going to fulfill an order or how you’re going to deal with refunds and returns. You can manage all that stuff after the fact and deal with the issue once it shows up.

Instead of having a perfect plan in place for everything (which you’ll never have anyway because real-life is always different than how you plan it to be…), start taking a first step into the right direction.

Just sign up for Shopify and build your first online store.

Okay, once that’s done do the next logical step.

Start researching products and niches and pick one product to start with. Then set up the product and the description on your store.

Then start running Facebook ads.

Not getting any sales?

Welcome to the real-life world of business. Now what’s the next step? It’s time to go back to the drawing board and learn more about Facebook ads. Then it’s time to set up a new campaign.

Break everything down into small and manageable steps instead of sweating the future before it’s here. Plan less, think less and start taking massive imperfect action. You don’t have to get everything right, or anything right at all. The most important thing is to take action and build momentum because that’s what will lead you to success.

You can’t be a perfectionist in business, trust me. You’ll have to make 1,000 mistakes anyway, so the faster you make them, the better.

One hour spent taking imperfect action is more valuable than 10 hours spent coming up with a perfect plan. Stop overwhelming yourself and start doing more stuff, one small step at a time.

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