Circle Of Influence: Let Go Of Things You Can’t Control…

Entrepreneurship Mindset Personal Development Success
Circle of Influence

In this blog post, I’m going to talk about why you must let go of things you can’t control and only focus on things that are within your direct control.

Everything you can’t directly control is in your Circle of concern

Most people try to frenetically control the things that are outside of their control. For example, Steven Covey, talks about this nice concept that he calls your circle of concern and your circle of influence. So, everything that you can’t directly control is in your circle of concern. These are the things that you’re concerned about. Things that you wish were in place. Things that you hope for. Now, the problem is that most people try to control what’s in their circle of concern, you can’t control that. You just must let go of the things that you can’t directly control. You must focus on, what Steven Covey calls, your circle of influence.

The Circle of influence consists of the things you have direct control over

Your circle of influence consists of the things you have directly control over. Such as your mindset, your actions, things like that. So number 1: take control of your mindset. Your mindset dictates everything else. So, if you aren’t controlling your mindset, you’re not going to be able to succeed in life or in business. Mindset determines how you show up, how you do your marketing, your sales, how you respond to adversity and setbacks, things that don’t go your way… If you’re not controlling your mindset, circumstances and bad things that will happen, will start to control you.

Work consistently on your mindset

So, the first thing you have to do is to work on your mindset. Do this every single day. I recommend you set aside 15 to 30 minutes every single day to work consistently on your mindset. Every day, except for Sunday, I set 30 minutes aside in the morning. I work on my mindset, I work on my vision board, I read some affirmations, I read a list of character traits that I want to incorporate,… And this is going to build some momentum in time, the more you do this, the more your identity starts changing. And that’s how you control your perception and how you lead your life, other people and your business.

Align your actions with your mindset

The next thing you need to control is: your actions. So, although you can’t directly control, what’s happening around you… You can’t just hope that you’re going to have 1 million dollars on your bank account and that it’s just going to show up. You know, the law of attraction, in that sense, is crap. There is a certain truth to it, if you put your intentions out there and if you align your mindset and your actions with the things that you’re hoping for, yes you can attract great things in your life.

But just thinking of having 1 million dollars in your bank account, isn’t going to attract anything. You need to let go of these things, you need to stop focusing on just the money, on just the result and you need to start focusing on getting your mindset in a place where you can deal with 1 million dollars on your bank account. Mindset work again, super important!

Identify the key tasks in your business and your life

And number 2, you need to identify, the key tasks in your business and in your life, that are going to get you closer to that thing that’s in your circle of concern. Then, eventually, you can attract and get the things that are in your circle of control but only by first letting go of these things. Appreciate and understand that you don’t have control over the things you wish for and then, refocus a 100% of your attention, your energy, your time, your efforts on your circle of influence. So that eventually, the things that are in your circle of concern are just manifested or attracted as a natural side effect of what you’re controlling in your day-to-day life, in your personal life and in your business.

You have to let go of any responsibility you feel towards your clients

Why is this important, why am I even talking about this stuff?

The reason why this is important is, as you progress, as a coach, consultant, speaker, expert, as a service-provider or any type of entrepreneur… As you progress, you will constantly slip back into trying to control things in your circle of concern. For example, having the fear that your clients wouldn’t get enough results… But the results of your students are clients are essentially in your circle of concern, because as coaches or as experts we can’t take responsibility for your client’s success or results. If you’re doing that, you’re going to go crazy.

The reason why is because the results that your clients get, is for the most part, completely dependent on them and how they implement your advice. Their personality, their work ethic, their mindset, all these things are outside of your control. So, if you’re trying to control your students results, stop.  Instead you should help your students, to give them everything that you have in your power, all the tools, all the mentorship, all the guidance, to accelerate their growth. But you have to let go of any responsibility that you feel like you have for your clients and students. So, that’s one example of shifting back from your circle of concern to your circle of influence.

As a coach, you can control, for example, creating the best coaching program ever. You can be focussed on that and you have control over that. You can control always being on time, giving the best advice ever, your mindset and how strong you believe in your clients and their ability to succeed.

It’s your job as a coach, or consultant, to focus on that.

It’s not your job to worry about your clients or to wish for the results that they desire.

Because the moment you do that, you’re giving up you’re control and you’re not showing up the strongest version that you could be for your clients.

Never ending journey of re-centering your mindset and focus

While scaling your business, you will progress and proceed through layers of shifting back from focusing on your circle of concern to focusing on your circle of influence. This is a never-ending journey, where you must re-center your mindset, your focus, your attention onto what you can control. This is the only way to scale. If you don’t do this, it’s going to hinder your ability to truly scale your business.

Everything is inter-connected, your mindset and your focus will massively impact your ability to scale your business.

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