Balance Work And Life — How To Achieve A High Performance Lifestyle | TBS #183


Just like there are different seasons in nature, there are also different seasons that we go through in our life and in our business.

Your life and business don’t progress linearly.

Sometimes you might hustle for three months straight and work 12-16 hours a day to generate cash flow and pay your bills. And other times you might work 4-8 hours a day to recharge your batteries, gain perspective and focus on other things.

There’s a great book by Tony Schwartz and Jim Loehr called “The Power Of Full Engagement”.

In the book the authors talk about how athletes have off seasons and use these times to recharge their internal batteries.

Success isn’t a marathon.

Success is a series of sprints.

A big part of finding long-term balance in your life is being aware of these cycles and embracing them. If you get stuck in one cycle for too long, you burn out or your progress stales.

I’m sure you’ve heard this saying before:

“Work hard play hard”

That’s exactly what it comes down to. When it’s time to hustle and work your face off, that’s what you should do and nothing else.

And when it’s time to recharge, then take time for that.

Everything that happens in nature and in the universe has a certain rhythm, a certain pulsation. Think of day and night, your heart beating, breathing in and out, winter and summer and so forth.

Why would success be any different?

Identify what cycle you’re currently in and then take right action. Maybe you’ve been sitting around and procrastinating for too long.

Then it’s time to end “winter” and start hustling.

Or maybe you’ve been working your face off for the last half year and your body and soul crave some recreation and a change of scene.

Then tune down your work and focus on that.

And of course also make sure you have some sort of pulsation and balance built into your day itself: If you work hard, make sure you get enough time for sleep. Hustle, but take a lunch break and take a few breaks throughout your day or mediate before going to bed.

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