Setting Personal Boundaries — How To Set Boundaries For Your Business And Personal Life | TBS #026


In this podcast episode I talk about setting personal boundaries and share some thoughts on how to set boundaries not only for your business but also for your personal life and your relationships.

Negativity, self-doubt and lack of confidence is a huge crusher of dreams for many people especially when building a business. They belief they don’t have what it takes to succeed and at the first setback they give up.

You have to practice mental hygiene!

Let’s face it:

You have negative people around you.

Your mind is producing negative thoughts.

Your parents might have their own plans for you.

You’re bombarded with rubberneck media and news.

I’ve learned in my journey as entrepreneur that none of that will help you. However these distractions will always exist.

And that’s why it’s so important to cultivate strong boundaries in your personal life, in your relationships and in your business. It’s all about setting personal boundaries.

There are two forms of boundaries: internal ones and external ones.

Having strong internal boundaries means not eating all the crap, self doubt and low confidence that your own mind is serving you.

Your mind can become your greatest asset or be your biggest enemy.

But you have to tame that sucker like a wild animal.

Our brains are risk oriented, not goal oriented. That’s why most people withdraw at the first sign of failure. They can’t stand the feeling of failure. Their brains can’t deal with the risk of failing. And that’s why they don’t learn and evolve, because they don’t embrace the risk. They take failure personal instead of seeing it as part of the learning process.

Having strong external boundaries means you deliberately and consciously choose what information, media, ideas, teachers, influencers and people you let into your life and business.

You know how the cliché goes: You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with and your five favorite books.

Time to cut the crap and create strong boundaries.



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