Addicted To Success — How To Become Obsessed With Success | TBS #093


A certain degree of obsession is required if you want to become great at business or anything else in life. In order to be addicted to success you basically want to enter a positive re-enforcement spiral that continues to motivate you.

I never run out of motivation and you don’t have to, either.

Here’s how the success spiral works:

1) Belief

2) Taking Action

3) Results

4) Re-enforced Belief

The hardest part of the equation is to create enough belief and “buy in” to even start taking action. Most people just read books or create stories in their head why they can’t do it or why they’ll fail.

Once you have enough initial motivation, you start taking action. And if you take action for long enough, you’ll get some results.

You believe. Then you take action. And then you’ll have experiences to support you belief. It’s a cycle and you can use it to your advantage.

These results then prove to you that it’s possible. They start to make part of your reality.

Let’s say you make your first sale online 🙂

It’s a magical moment, and it’s usually when the real success spiral starts for most people. Because once you get the first results, it re-enforces your belief that it’s possible. So now taking action gets easier and you have more motivation to push the envelope.

So you take more action and get more results, which makes your belief even stronger. And this is how you generate an endless source of motivation and leverage to reach any of your dreams.

Or you could call it: “Being addicted to success”.

It’s not a bad thing as long as you balance it with other things in your life and keep your feet on the ground.

I hope this helps. Enjoy the journey 🙂

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