Month: April 2016


How To Deal With Internet Addiction — Social Media Distractions…

Are you checking your emails very often, refreshing your stats and clicking on the Facebook home button a gazillion times a day? Then you’re spending too much time being reactive. Your environment is controlling you, instead of you controlling your environment. When you’re refreshing your stats, emails or social media channels compulsively every day, you’re … Continued

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How To Do Market Research For A New Business —…

Here are a few thoughts on how to do market research for a new business with a simple market research process called a “Seed Launch”. When it comes to market research the best tip I can give you is to stop analyzing markets from your ivory tower. Forget about stats, data and questionnaires for a … Continued

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Setting Personal Boundaries — How To Set Boundaries For Your…

In this podcast episode I talk about setting personal boundaries and share some thoughts on how to set boundaries not only for your business but also for your personal life and your relationships. Negativity, self-doubt and lack of confidence is a huge crusher of dreams for many people especially when building a business. They belief … Continued

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Fail Until You Succeed In Business | TBS #025

You have to stop being scared of failing and making mistakes in business, because success is just the summary of your failures. It’s practically a prerequisite to fail until you succeed in business. It will happen. Either small or big failures, but it will happen. But the faster you fail, the faster you succeed. It’s really an … Continued

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Scared To Start A Business — How Can I Start…

Are you really that scared to start a business? Wait… better question: Should you be scared when starting a business? If you’ve been dabbling in business for a while, reading a ton of books but never take that crucial step and actual start executing, it’s likely that you are dealing with a willpower and productivity … Continued

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The Power Of Broke — How To Start A Business…

When you hit rock bottom and your bank account is close to zero, that’s usually when you get the most creative and focused. This is what Daymond John calls: the power of broke. When you have to invest every single dollar in a smart way. When every move counts. And when you have to find alternative … Continued

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Secret To Overcoming Procrastination | TBS #021

You want to know how I create massive productivity? How I’m able to overcome procrastination and internal resistance every single day since more than three years? Here’s my secret to overcoming procrastination: I eat the frog. Every single day I get the most uncomfortable, difficult, scary and important task out of the day before I focus … Continued

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