The Power Of Broke — How To Start A Business From Absolute Zero | TBS #022


When you hit rock bottom and your bank account is close to zero, that’s usually when you get the most creative and focused. This is what Daymond John calls: the power of broke.

When you have to invest every single dollar in a smart way. When every move counts. And when you have to find alternative ways to grow your brand. You are forced to think outside the box and find creative solutions, that’s when you’ve got the most leverage.

It’s those sleepless nights when you’re worried how you’re going to make enough money to pay next month’s bills or overhead costs.

The most successful entrepreneurs in the world are those who never lose touch with the power of broke. They never forget the number “0”, they still have the taste of dirt, sweat and blood in their mouths.

When you are broke you need to make things happen. You know they say you should trow your hat over the fence. That you have to burn your boats. Well, the power of broke is when somebody trows your hat and burns your boats. It’s when you don’t have any escape and have to act despite any excuses.

But once you have tens of thousands or millions of dollars on your bank account, you take the easy way out and blow your money.

The power of broke keeps you in touch with reality. It’s the punch in the face that wakes you up and confronts you with reality and with pragmatism. Everyone is obsessed with talking about abundance, but we forget that scarcity is the most powerful motivation ever.

Never lose touch with it.


You’ll start taking things for granted. You’ll think you’ve finally made it. And then you’ll start loosing your mojo.

That will be the day your business starts failing.

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  • Patience In Business — How To Balance Hard Work In Business

    […] times, and that’s fine. But nevertheless you have to activate what Daymond John calls “The Power Of Broke” and […]

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