Social Selling Tips — A Simple Social Selling System That Builds Goodwill And Boosts Sales | TBS #044


I got a question from Flo Ebelu a few days ago and he asked me how he can leverage social media networks to increase his sales.

Social selling comes all down to two cycles.

Marketing and sales have different cycles. And there are two main cycles you have to understand and embrace.

In the first cycle you have to build up momentum and earn the goodwill, attention and trust of your followers.

You have to post consistent, high-quality content while engaging with them and jumping in the conversation.

It’s all about working hard and helping your audience. Always be adding VALUE.

You should spend about 80-99% of your time doing this. And you should be patient in this part.

This cycle is all about leveraging the inherent media quality of social media platforms. You need to produce native content. If you use these places just to sell, without producing relevant and contextual media, you’re going to lose.

Then the second cycle consists of every once in a while you run a promotion, give a great discount, launch a product or just make a great offer. This is the time to ask for money and get people to buy your services and products. You should spend only 1-20% of your time doing this.

I usually produce outstanding content during 26 days in a row, and then I might promote or make an offer only for 1 day, maximum 4 days. And in this example you can see the ratio between content production and sales.

The thing is that most people get this completely wrong by either: not building up enough value before asking for money, or by posting free content forever and never making an offer and asking for people’s money.

Make sure you do both. Build trust. Then ask for money.

Don’t mistake the order. 😉

Hope it helps.

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