Shopify Shipping Tutorial — How To Use Free Plus Shipping Offers In Shopify | TBS #086


When you’re using a free plus shipping offer in Shopify, you need to set up your shipping rates correctly, otherwise people can add 20 items to the cart and will only get charged $8-10 for shipping. And that’s not in your best interest.

In that case you’d have to pay like 20 x $4 (or whatever your item price is) to deliver the orders and you’ll lose a ton of money.

The solution is to set your free plus shipping item at a small weight. That’s how you do it.

And in the shipping settings you want to create multiple shipping cost tiers based on the order weight. So lets say you set your free plus shipping item at 0.6 kg. Then you’d set 0.5-1 kg in Shopify at $9.99. And 1-1.5 kg you would set at $12.99 or something like that. Then 1.5-2 kg at $14.99 and so forth, constantly increasing by weight.

The reason I use 0.6 is because otherwise my setup didn’t work correctly, no idea what was going on, but if I used 0.5 it didn’t work.

Anyway – If someone orders 6 items, it’s like a bulk order. Just make sure you set a small margin for every shipping tier. Because once you’ve acquired the customer, your profit margins increase.

For every additional item the customer adds to the cart, you don’t have to spend advertising money to acquire the customer. And that’s one of the reasons I use free shipping so often.

So the more items people order, the more profit you make.

It’s like a natural upsell 🙂

I get free plus shipping orders as high as $30-40 on a daily basis, because people order in bulk. But I still only paid $1.50 to acquire that customer and my product costs are pretty low, too.

I hope this helps. 😉

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  • Rob

    Thank you! I tried everything, even the Shopify forum where a “guru” couldn’t even answer how to do this. So thank you!

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