Reclaiming Your Personal Power — Take Action Now Despite Negative Emotions And Thoughts | TBS #171


Learn to take action despite of how you’re feeling, and you’ll become successful faster than you can imagine. Stop waiting for your emotions to back up your actions, and just start already.

Let me give you an example:

A lot of people procrastinate for months before they launch their business, because they want to feel more safe and certain.

They literally wait for their emotions to give them permission to act.

“Once I feel more confident and certain about my business plan, I’ll take action” or “Once I feel more confident, I’ll go and speak to that girl I like” or “Once I feel energised, I will start going to the gym”.

Ever done that?

This is literally making success impossible because you wait for your emotions to be there first, before you take action. However, as soon as you realize that you can take massive action right now, even if you feel sad, depressed, scared and insecure, you discover freedom.

A huge part of why I was able to become successful is because I acted against my emotions and any negative thoughts I had.

I felt scared – And acted despite of it!
I felt depressed – And acted despite of it!
I felt insecure – And acted despite of it!

Learning to act despite of how you’re feeling is one of the most important factors of success. If you wait for your emotions to be there first, you’re literally giving away all your personal power.

You are a slave of your emotions and conditioning.

Reclaiming your personal power means learning to act no matter what. You can think of it as unconditional massive action.

Stop using your emotions as an excuse for your life. Just because you’re sensitive, depressed, lazy and anxious doesn’t mean you can’t take action and do something. Just say “fuck you” to your emotions and then act despite of it. Be rebellious, screw your emotions.

Once you take action your emotions will follow over time. But it rarely happens the other way round, and that’s why so many people fail.

If you’re guilty of this, then observe for a minute how you’re feeling in your body. Do you feel depressed? Sad? Anxious? Confused?

Notice how you’re feeling and then take action despite of it.

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