Productivity Hacks — How To Gain Control Over Your Life And Increase Productivity | TBS #153


For the past two years and counting I’ve been writing in a daily success journal, which has dramatically improved my life.

Here’s the thing:

We all live our lives unconsciously and without control.

Our mind tricks us into believing we have control, but it’s just an illusion created by our ego. In reality, it’s our unconscious mind that lives our lives for us. Most of what we do is on autopilot.

What truly controls your life are your habits. And habits are unconsciously manifested patterns of repeated behavior.

In order to gain control over your life, you need to first cultivate self-awareness by facing your own habits, your unconscious patterns, your routines and rituals. That’s the first step to changing them.

An easy way to cultivate self-awareness and create that eagles perspective on your life, is by writing in a daily journal.

Journaling allows you to confront yourself.

When you sit down and look at how you spent your time, what you did, what you said you would do and didn’t do, what you learned and so forth, it brings your unconscious behaviors into the light.

This simple form of self-monitoring allows you to see where you’re at and then consciously grab the “steering wheel” of your life.

So let’s talk about the actual journal content.

1) Write down in detail what you did that particular day, in the morning, afternoon and evening. You want to train your mind to remember how you spent your time and energy in detail.

2) Make a list of your accomplishments today (like a bullet list of what you got done today i.e. meditated for 20 minutes, uploaded my daily video, had a client call, wrote a blog article, went to the gym)

3) Ask yourself what you learned. Every day we have great insights and epiphanies and you should write down at leat one per day.

4) Create a to-do list for the coming day.

5) Write down your goals.

This right there is the current daily journal template I use. I don’t write in it every day, but usually 4-5 times a week which is still a game changer and helps me to really increase my productivity.

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