My Daily Routine — How I Structure My Day To Become More Productive | TBS #316


My daily routine has changed many times over the last five years. And it will continue to change every few months because a routine is not meant to be rigid, it’s meant to fit your current life situation.

However, there’s a few principles that I live by every day.

I believe the best way to help you become more productive and get the most out of your day is by showing you my exact daily routine.

1) Getting Up Between 5-7am

Every morning I get up between 5-7 am. On the weekends I might sleep in a bit longer, maybe a couple hours longer for recovery.

I don’t use the snooze button or stay in bed.

Literally, the moment I hear the alarm I turn it off, jump out of bed and take a shower. I’ve programmed myself to do this. One reason is because my girlfriend usually sleeps longer, and I don’t like to wake her up with my alarm. So I am super quick in the morning.

2) Showering And Grooming

As I said already, the first thing I do after waking up is taking a shower and getting myself ready for the day. If I procrastinate with this I’ll probably hang around all day in my underwear and get nothing done. I want to get this out of the way as soon as possible.

3) Large Organic, Protein-Rich Breakfast

I used to experiment with intermittent fasting for a few months but found that it makes me less productive overall. It seems to deplete my brain chemistry and make me more vulnerable and cranky.

I usually eat 30g of protein along with some veggies and fruit.

4) Publishing My Daily Video and Blog Post

As soon as I’m done with breakfast, I upload my daily video and write a short blog post along with it. Publishing content has become a part of my daily routine and I want to get it out of the way as soon as possible. Since it’s something I do every day, like brushing my teeth, I do it first thing in the morning so I can focus on other stuff.

5) Recording My Next Video

After uploading and publishing my daily video and blog post, I pick a question or a topic to talk about and shoot a video for the upcoming day. I always shoot my videos one day ahead. There’s no particular reason for this, but it makes me a bit more effective and productive.

6) Answering Emails, Questions And Comments

Once my video is recorded, I usually answer my emails, YouTube comments, Snapchat messages and Facebook messages. It’s hard to keep up with everything and takes around 2-4 hours total. I don’t do this every single day, but I really try to do it as often as possible.

If I procrastinate on this, I’ll certainly not do it in the afternoon. It’s not my most favourite activity and it is really time consuming.

7) Monitoring Ads, Thinking Big And Growing My Income

In the last part of the morning I usually look at my stats, I check my ads, I work on my marketing campaigns, sales funnels and products. I might spend this time researching, running marketing tests, improving my existing advertising campaigns and so forth.

8) Big Protein-Rich Lunch

Around 1pm I have a big protein-rich lunch. I mostly avoid carbs and I pretty much cut out sugar entirely from my diet. It just makes me unproductive, gives me brain fog and it’s super addictive, too.

9) Unorganised Afternoon Hustle

In the afternoon I’ll complete any other tasks I need to complete. This part of my day is less structured and depends on the projects I’m working on. If I work on a big project for a client, then that’s what I’ll do. If I’m creating a new store, then I’ll focus on doing that.

And sometimes I just spend the afternoon researching and learning new things.

I always need to stay on top of my game, every day.

10) Going To The Gym

Around 4pm or 5pm I usually go to the gym and work out for around 45 minutes. I mainly do cardio and I don’t do it to loose weight. The main reason I workout is to get my serotonin, GABA and endorphins spinning. It makes me feel great and recharges my brain chemistry.

It also helps me sleep better since serotonin gets turned into melatonin and working out releases GABA which makes me sleep like a baby at night. And that’s a blessing as an entrepreneur.

11) Evening Relaxation Or Hustle

After working out I try not working anymore. I just enjoy the great feeling after the gym, have some dinner and ry to unwind. It’s important to recharge your energy as an entrepreneur. If you work all day long without taking brakes, it’ll burn you out emotionally.

However, if I do have an important deadline or project to finish, I’ll sometimes hustle in the evening and work until 10 or 11 pm.

I usually go to sleep between 10-11pm at night.

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