How To Get Inspired — Overcome Resistance And Take Action Despite Of It | TBS #196


The truth about success is that you need to learn to take action even when you don’t feel inspired. Inspiration shows up some days and others it doesn’t, but you have to show up every single day.

In order to become successful you have to overcome your internal resistance and take action even if you feel unmotivated and low.

Needing inspiration to take action is just a comfortable excuse.

In fact, it’s the voice of your own internal resistance that’s telling you not to take action until you feel inspired, motivated and productive. Resistance is sneaky, it comes through the back door and it has many shapes and forms.

One of the most common disguises of resistance is waiting until you feel like taking action and doing.

You have to overcome resistance by sitting down every single day and taking action. Even if you don’t feel inspired, even if you feel blue, even if you feel like procrastinating, even if you feel like giving up.

Your “muse” will show up some days and others it won’t.

Successful people show up and do the work every single day. People who aren’t successful only do the work when they feel inspired.

So let’s get back to the question:

How do I get inspired every single day?

I don’t.

However, I sit down every day and do the work anyway. And more often than not the inspiration and motivation follow naturally. I don’t start with inspiration, I start with work, and inspiration follows.

Stop waiting for inspiration to strike you and just sit down and do the work no matter how you’re feeling.

Just take action despite of it.

This is the single most important tip I can give to anyone.

Let go of your need for inspiration, motivation and other positive emotions and get to work. You can feel depressed and blue and still take action. You can be scared like crazy and still do the work. Or you can feel like there’s no point and still show up every day and execute.

Now stop reading this post and do something productive.

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