How To Fight Depression – Overcome Low Self Esteem Without Medication | TBS #012


Here I share my personal story and insights on how to fight depression.

Consider this a reality check to fix your depression and overcome low self esteem without medication by testing your way forward, focusing on the long-run and never giving up.

I’m mind-blown by the way people deal with depression, anxiety disorders and mental problems all around the world.

This is an extremely important topic. Since 25% of the world’s population will at some point deal with clinical depression in their lives, and more than 8% of the world’s population is dealing with social anxiety disorders and other mental health issues,

Depression, anxiety and mental issues are common in business.

The difference between people who get “consumed” by their depression and anxiety, and the people who resolve their mental issues and use it as fuel, is simply how they approach it.

I have struggled with panic disorder in my early twenties and overcame it the same way I solve any problem in my life.

I hustle my ass off until I find a solution. Period.

Having a problem in your business or having a problem with mental health is not so different. The way you solve it is by testing your way forward until you find what works for you to fix the issue.

You have to realize that there’s no quick fix for this.

It will require hard work, a lot of effort and a long-term commitment to solve it. And you have to test your way forward and see what works.

Try different therapy methods, psychotherapies, mobile apps: From mainstream to weird “woo woo” stuff, herbal remedies. Go all out and test everything so you have data and see what works for you.

Never stop searching for a solution.

Never ever give up.

For every problem there is a solution and if you search for answers long enough and you put in the time, effort and energy to tackle your mental health issues, you will eventually overcome them.

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