How To Attract Success And Money — The Missing Piece Of The Law Of Attraction | TBS #215


Recently one of my subscribers asked me what I think of the law of attraction, so I thought I’d take a moment and share my opinion.

First of all, I do believe in the law of attraction.

But only partially.

It’s true that what we focus on and think about will eventually materialize if those thoughts are followed by years of hard work and hustle. What frustrates me a bit is that people “selling” this whole idea of the law of attraction barely or never mention this part.

If you think about being a millionaire or having a great relationship for your whole lifetime and never act upon it, nothing is going to happen. You won’t become rich or successful by doing that.

Here’s the traditional law of attraction “formula”:

Focus = Attraction

I believe if that were true most people would already be millionaires. Do you know how many people actually dream of being rich?

People are binge watching YouTube videos of rich people.

You can watch Tai Lopez videos all life long and focus and envision a life of wealth and abundance, and yet it won’t happen by itself. So it’s obviously not the focus or thoughts that attract things.

Here’s what I believe the law of attraction looks like:

Focus + Massive Persistent Action = Attraction

It’s that mid piece of the “formula” most people never mention. And yet, that’s what matters most. I’d even argue you can think of all sorts of negative things, be depressed and pessimistic. That’s fine, as long as you work hard and execute you’ll still get what you want.

There’s a ton of people (me included) that have negative thoughts, are pessimistic at times, focus on bad things just because that’s the way our brains are wired. And yet we become successful.

So I strongly believe it’s the taking action part that attracts things.

Let’s face the truth.

The law of attraction sells easily to the masses.

It should really be called the law of hard work. Yet we all know nobody likes that and nobody would buy books about that.

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