Drop Shipping From AliExpress — Understanding AliExpress Product Reviews | TBS #205



When you browse AliExpress you’ll find a ton of reviews for the best-selling products. And you can also see which country the reviews come from, for example Spain, Brazil, Russia and the Ukraine.

However, be careful when “analysing” these reviews.

Just because 80% of reviews come from Russia or some other place, doesn’t necessarily mean that’s a good place to drop ship to.

I believe there are certain countries where AliExpress is more widely known by the population and used for personal consumption. I think in Spain, Russia, Brazil and some other places where people are looking for a cheap online shopping experience, more people are aware of AliExpress and use it for their personal consumption.

In some places around the world people seem to use AliExpress like Amazon, meaning they go there and shop as regular consumers.

Vice versa, there’s a ton of countries where AliExpress isn’t that well known. There will always be people who know AliExpress, but it’s not the vast majority of the population. For example, most people are a lot more aware of Amazon than of AliExpress in most of Europe.

And I believe that’s also the case for the USA, Canada and Australia.

If a product on AliExpress has a ton of reviews from people in Russia, that means it’s a hot item there. People are buying it for their personal consumption just like we shop on Amazon for our personal needs.

Take that as proof that the item is hot and could sell really well. But don’t actually sell it to the people who have already discovered it.

Instead, sell it to a large economy that doesn’t use AliExpress that much. This includes most places in Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom. Those are all great markets to drop ship to right now, even if there’s little reviews.

What I’m trying to say is that you need to be careful how you read the data and how you actual interpret the reviews on AliExpress.

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