Automate Your Business — What You Should And What You Shouldn’t Automate In Business | TBS #067


There’s a general obsession with automation in the online marketing industry. Everyone is fascinated with the “4 Hour Workweek” hype, but very few people actually run successful businesses like this. However, there are a few things you can do to automate your business.

There’s two ways people try to grow businesses:

  1. The egotistical way: Optimizing your business to make your life more comfortable, building your business around you.

2. The entrepreneurial way: Optimizing your business to make the life of your clients and customers more comfortable, putting them first, focusing on making them happy over everything else.

The entrepreneurs, who put their customers first, build the most successful companies. The “myth” that you can automate everything is a narrative created to please the desire of the lazy masses. Everyone wants to get wealthy fast and with the least amount of effort. That’s the audience they target.

But it doesn’t have very much to do with the truth.

You can’t automate your entire business to work without you. But there are plenty of things you can automate such as download delivery, shipment fulfillment, customer support, design, content writing and so forth.

But you can’t automate the human work.

What will separate your business from everyone else is that you care more about your customers and clients than your competitor, and this is something no robot, auto-responder or plugin can do for you.

Get real about business. Double down to make your customers happy, instead of creating a business that’s designed for you.

Don’t look for the shortcut, especially at the beginning. That’s one of the ways people procrastinate. Instead of putting the work as soon as possible, they delay it by looking for the perfect way to do it. They secretly want a shortcut.

Don’t fall for this trap.

You need to put in the work. To care about your clients. Think of automating tasks later.

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